28 Day Gratitude Journey
Participating in the 28-day gratitude journey can make daily gratitude and appreciation a healthy habit, and sharing our gratitude stories deepens our connection and attachment with others.
28-Day Gratitude Journey
November 28 - December 25
Participating in the 28-day gratitude journey can make daily gratitude and appreciation a healthy habit, and sharing our gratitude stories deepens our connection and attachment to others.
Start a gratitude journal and write your responses to the daily gratitude prompts. (Participating in the 28-day gratitude journey can make daily gratitude and appreciation a healthy habit.)
Consistently share your responses to the daily gratitude prompts with a family member, friend, or group of friends. (Sharing our gratitude stories with others deepens our connection and attachment to others.)
Post your responses on Instagram (@lancebane), Lance’s Facebook (Lance Bane), or email Pastor Lance at gatewaylance@gmail.com.
Week 1: Gratitude for Jesus
““Whatever happens, give thanks, because it is God’s will in Christ Jesus that you do this.””
DAY 1: Thank Jesus for His faithfulness.
DAY 2: Thank Jesus for His provision in your life.
DAY 3: Thank Jesus for His love that never fails.
DAY 4: Thank Jesus for His mercy and forgiveness.
DAY 5: Thank Jesus for His wisdom and guidance.
DAY 6: Thank Jesus for His power and protection.
DAY 7: Reflect on and thank Jesus for how He has recently been present in your life.
Week 2: Gratitude for Personal Things
DAY 8: Thank Jesus for your health and strength.
DAY 9: Thank Jesus for your home.
DAY 10: Thank Jesus for your talents, skills, and abilities.
DAY 11: Thank Jesus for answered prayers.
DAY 12: Thank Jesus for renewing your heart and mind.
DAY 13: Thank Jesus for the process of learning and growing.
DAY 14: Thank Jesus for the times He has rescued you from danger.
Week 3: Gratitude in Relationships
DAY 15: Send a thank-you note, text, or email to someone who makes a positive difference in your life.
DAY 16: Tell a family member or friend what you appreciate about them during a meal.
DAY 17: Thank Jesus for the encouragement you get from close friends.
DAY 18: Call a friend and thank them for being in your life.
DAY 19: Show gratitude to a friend by sharing one positive thing about them on social media.
DAY 20: List three people you love, pray for them, and thank Jesus for them (be specific in your Thanksgiving).
DAY 21: Thank Jesus for mentors.
Week 4: Gratitude During Difficult Times
“Gratitude is a powerful catalyst for change.”
DAY 22: Thank Jesus for a challenge that taught you perseverance.
DAY 23: Thank Jesus for His presence and promises during moments of uncertainty.
DAY 24: Thank Jesus for the times He has corrected you.
DAY 25: Thank Jesus for the lessons learned during a time of failure.
DAY 26: Thank Jesus for His grace and enabling power to help us stand firm.
DAY 27: Thank Jesus for people who encourage you when feeling down.
DAY 28: Reflect on the last 28 days and write something to Jesus, thanking Him for this gratitude journey.