Lance Bane

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a rich day....

i had a weed that became a tree over the last 5 years. it grew right beside my home and for the last couple of years has been rubbing against my home and the shingles. i got a bid on cutting the tree out. it was $325. i laid in bed thinking, "i could go buy a pole saw from one of the box stores and save money." so that's what i did. yesterday morning i let my 13 year old stay home from school and she, Luke (my almost 2 year old) and myself went to the store. so what did I do yesterday? spent time with my daughter and wife cutting down a tree and then clipping all the branches into small, manageable pieces. it was hard work, but very rewarding spending that time with my favorite two ladies.

then I spent the afternoon at a local high school football practice. the coach has invited me in on a weekly basis to do a team devotion before each game. what an honor. i thought it would be well served to visit them during practice and be visible. they have taken to me and me to them. i love that group of guys. one young man told me that he goes to church, but because of school commitments he can't make it to his youth group. he essentially told me that i was his youth pastor. i melted a bit inside. i did not perceive myself in such a way. nothing quite like a statement like that to shock you into the reality and influence of one's leadership.

after praying for some of the injuries and chatting I went home and grilled steaks with Luke. I had dinner wtih my family. It was at the dinner table no less (which is getting harder for us to do as a family.) then i topped my evening off by sitting in my living room during my favorite part of the day. it was about 9:30pm. Luke was asleep. Matt and Sara were hanging out together (that's a beautiful miracle), my wife was relaxing with a book. i turned on some worship music, living room lights down low and a cup of hot black chai tea. i prayed. i reflected on my day. i felt richer than Warren Buffet and Bill Gates.

i love God. i love life. i love my kids. i love my wife. thank you Jesus. i give you all the crediit.

until next time.....