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The Anointing

NOVEMBER 15, 2020 - NOVEMBER 29, 2020

Jesus was anointed by the Holy Spirit so that He might do good for others and overcome the destructive works of darkness. He sent the Holy Spirit to us as a gift and one benefit of this relationship is the anointing. The anointing from the Holy Spirit sets us apart for a powerful purpose and enables us to accomplish it. In this series, we explore the anointing and understand this special empowerment.

NOVEMBER 15, 2020 - NOVEMBER 29, 2020


Jesus was anointed by the Holy Spirit so that He might do good for others and overcome the destructive works of darkness. He sent the Holy Spirit to us as a gift and one benefit of this relationship is the anointing. The anointing from the Holy Spirit sets us apart for a powerful purpose and enables us to accomplish it. In this series, we explore the anointing and understand this special empowerment.


Set Apart for an Empowered Life
NOVEMBER 15, 2020

The anointing is a precious reality afforded to us by the presence of the Holy Spirit. In this message, Pastor Lance clarifies the mystery of the anointing and shares several facets of what the anointing means on the life of a Jesus follower.



Credibility with Power
NOVEMBER 22, 2020

Jesus was anointed and He grew in character through the testing of His identity and the suffering He endured. Equally important, followers of Jesus are anointed, and they need to grow in godly character. In this message, Pastor Lance helps us more fully embrace the call to character while demonstrating the anointing that God has placed upon our lives.



Nurturing the Anointing
NOVEMBER 29, 2020

In this final message on the anointing, Lance reminds us that the anointing can be nurtured and cultivated. The key to growing in the anointing is maintaining healthy relationships and a healthy heart.