
It's 11:23 pm and there are 9 of us at church praying into the service tomorrow. I have great expectation for God to show up and revolutionize the hearts and minds of those who come. Revolutionize does not feel strong enough, yet it's the only term I know. I do believe God wants to suddenly overthrow the current mental government that we live in and establish a new one. After all "to change the mind" is the definition of repentance. Jesus says, "Repent for the kingdom of Heaven is at hand." I hear him saying, "Hey, followers of me, change the way you think because a brand new paradigm for how life operates is near you." This is my hope and prayer for tomorrow. Those that come who are broken and busted will get a new perspective on God's amazing love for them. Not religious love. You know that kind that says, "God has to love me, after all he is God." That kind of love has no impact on people. It's love in the realm of theory and contained by the bars of the brain. I am talking about a love that motivates us to pursue and to challenge our current understandings. I am talking about the kind of love (actually greater than this, but it's the best human illustration I have) that motivates me to sacrifice for my children so I can leave them some sort of inheritance. I am describing the love that fuels me for what is possible; a love that behaves like a sharp chisel and begins to cut at my heart and spirit. God loves me and because of such, I WANT to change. Love never fails. It covers a multitude of sins. He is love, therefore he loves the best. A taste of such sweetness and I am addicted. This is what resurrection day is all about. I love Friday and the day Jesus died, but without the resurrection all of his claims are a farce. But because of this one day, all that he said was possible has just been moved to within our reach. Before, it was impossible. The law was there to show us it was impossible. But resurrection day has  brought it to within arms reach.  Love is the greatest healer.

God loves us. He burns for us. He is jealous over us. I like the way song puts it, "He is jealous for me. He loves like a hurricane. I am a tree bending beneath the weight of his wind and mercy." My city, Austin, will experience revival. It has happening. There are pockets of breakthrough. What we have longed for, what our forefathers and fore mothers have prayed for is happening. This is the greatest time of ministry I have ever experienced. This is the most fun I have ever had. I am grateful to be alive in this moment in time. I was born for this. You were too. Be dangerous! Burn white hot! Never be silent about the grace of God!

Until next time....