Episode 64: Progressive Leadership Stage 4 - Part 1
Once you have grown in leadership and proven yourself to be a caring and productive leader, we move into Stage 4 - Reproductive stage. This stage is all about reproducing yourself through others and helping them reproduce themselves through others.
In the Genesis narrative, we find plants, sea life and land animals bearing seed so they can reproduce.
Within God’s created order, we find the ability and responsibility to produce and reproduce.
Production is within humanity’s creative order and desire.
This is the heart of leadership at Stage 3 and Stage 4.
Seven ideas for growing as a leader in this stage:
Recognize and steward people.
Delegate, Delegate, Delegate.
Be worthy of being followed by others.
Pour your leadership effort into the top 20% of your people.
Help your leaders grow. Coach. Coach. Coach.
Attract talented people who have similar values to Gateway.
Surround yourself with an inner core that complements your leadership.
4. People Stage - (Reproduction)
Recognize and steward people.
People are your most valuable asset. Developing people is a priority.
Develop others
Celebrate and adjust
Delegate. Delegate. Delegate.
Six tips for effective delegation:
Prepare beforehand.
Clearly define the task to be completed.
Clearly outline the time frame within which the delegated task must be completed.
Determine the level of authority he or she is to use with the task:
Level one: The authority to recommend
Level two: The authority to inform and initiate
Level three: The authority to act
Identify checkpoints when you will meet with the the person to whom you delegated to review progress and offer guidance, if needed.
DEBRIEF: Hold a debriefing session to discuss what went well, what could have been improved, and what has been learned.
Be worthy of being followed by others.
Relational accountability.
Honest look at root issues.
Personal growth
Role model what you want from others.
While you may be at the top organizationally, you are at the bottom relationally.
Top - protect and cover, advocate and defend, affirm and challenge
Bottom - serve and support, provide and point, connect and inspect
Action Steps for Progressing in Leadership Stages:
What stage of leadership am I currently in with most people?
What stage of leadership am I currently in with other influencers on my team or within my company? List them.
What will I commit to be, learn and do so I can grow through the stages with those that I lead?