Episode 46: Home Space
Acts 2 tells us that as the followers of Jesus met in homes, God added to their number daily. Having people in your home to experience the love of God and His grace is powerful and needed in this hour. So, what do we need to consider if we are going to do healthy ministry in our home? This podcast provides practical advice and spiritual wisdom to help you.
There is a simple fact we need to acknowledge - while the work of God, ministry, compassion, justice and love is often done at a spiritual and emotional level, it happens in physical spaces.
Acts 2:46, “Daily they met together in the temple courts (public space) and in one another’s homes (personal space) to celebrate communion. They shared meals together with joyful hearts and tender humility.” The Passion Translation
Our home space can be filled with God’s grace. This reality flows out of who we are. Our internal world is often reflected in external spaces, attitudes, behaviors and lifestyles.
Physical Space
New environments (park, beach, backyard, another person’s home, shopping/lunch, recreational activity, museums)
Distraction free
Warm (welcoming)
Supports relationship building (group seating, easier dialogue, ministry to one another)
Food choices (allergies)
Pets, pet hair, pet odor, pet bathroom use,
Bathroom cleanliness
Emotional Space
What emotions am I bringing to the gathering?
Consider what it means to have a:
Safe (failure is not fatal — heart attitude, words, tone and follow through)
Nurturing Space
Take short breaks.
Don’t be intimated.
Spiritual Space
Worship God. (ambient music, intentional, provide song sheets if need, use music videos with lyrics)
Engage God’s word.
Share testimonies.
Celebrate with communion.
Practice spiritual gifts w/ biblical oversight and direction.
Challenges of having people in your personal space:
People violating personal space.
Pressure to keep house perfect.
People wanting to stay after the meeting.
House is a wreck when it’s over.
Valuables laying around with strangers in the home.
Things broken.
How to mange the challenges:
Consider the cost.
Communicate that people are welcome.
Communicate expectations.
Create a clean up team.
Serve at other’s homes the way you want some to serve at your home.
Offload the pressure of perfection and embrace cleanliness.
Have a healthy attitude:
Love deeply
Serve fiercely
Laugh robustly
Expect greatly
Be present continually
Credits: Music - Pumpkin Spice by Audiobinger -- freemusicarchive.org