4 Life Hacks for Displaying Hope Publicly
It's easy to be negative. That's often the easiest path. So, how do we move past the immature negative attitude and actually live hopeful, displaying it publicly?
4 Needs to Grow Inside While Stuck Inside
What you feed, grows. Therefore, it's critical that we have the proper needs in place so that we grow what matters most.
5 Secrets for Growing Influence with Others
It’s critical for those in places of leadership to lead with healthy, growing influence and not from position or title.
7-Day negativity fast
In Isaiah 58, God identifies and describes a kind of fast that is pleasing to Him. We often call it a Negativity Fast. Join me in this 7-day Negativity Fast, so that we will not walk with the counsel of the ungodly, nor stand and be influenced by sinners, nor sit with mockers and cynics. Instead, we will delight in God’s word, meditate on His promises and live as life-giving followers of Jesus, altering our world around us because we are planted by rivers of living water.
In the midst of negative situations, it's challenging to enjoy prayer. Prayer is usually off loading negativity as a way of finding peace. What if prayer could be enjoyable even in the midst of difficulty?
11 Steps on How to Receive Blind Spot Feedback
In any organization, feedback is important. It’s important for the giver of the feedback and the receiver. But, what about the unsolicited feedback? How do we receive that, especially if we disagree?
28-Day Gratitude Journey
Participating in the 28-day gratitude journey can make daily gratitude and appreciation a healthy habit, and sharing our gratitude stories deepens our connection and attachment to others.
40-Day guided prayer journey
For over 20 years, I have struggled to develop and maintain a consistent prayer life. I deeply admire those to whom prayer comes easily and those who spend time consistently praying. Over time and with practice, I formed a prayer model for myself - a five step model of short, simple and spirt-led prayers.
confrontation that connects hearts
Conversation Structure for Restoring Trust and Empowering Relationships
destiny to reality plan
The Destiny to Reality Plan will help you take meaningful steps to engage in a process that will help make your destiny a reality.
faith without a filter 5-day devotional
Jesus came to rescue, to love and draw us close to God. In the New Testament there are four words that describe this relationship. They are prepositions, connecting words that identify the relationship between two objects. They are “with”, “like”, “for” and “in”.
There are six words in Ephesians 1:1-14 that empower God’s children to be who He says we are and to do what He says we can do.
Maintaining Mental Health
Social distancing violates our psychology, biology and spirituality. In this interview with Dr. Myra Mathis-Uwanogho, she shares helpful tips on how to maintain good mental health.
Supporting a Life of Intimacy with Jesus Christ.
spirit life
Spirit Life are short scriptural video exhortations hoping to inspire others to study the Bible, meditate on God's word and know Jesus better.