Episode 42: Moving People Forward - Part 4

A learning environment is important when helping people move forward. A necessary piece to a learning environment is celebration. We need space where failure is not fatal. While our hearts are willing, sometime our flesh is weak and vulnerable. In this podcast, Lance reminds us of God’s love towards us and how important that is when celebrating others in a learning environment.


We talk a great deal on this podcast about the “how-to’s” of leadership and helping people. I believe that leadership has to look like something. Today, in concluding our thoughts on moving people forward, I want to talk about celebrating our identity in the love of God.

Ryder Carroll says, in his book, The Bullet Journal Method, “Our efforts are always fueled by some promise.” [2]

The promise I want you to consider today is that of God and His desire for you.

Song of Solomon 7:10, “I am my beloved’s, and his desire is toward me.”

2 Corinthians 3:18 says, “And the Lord—who is the Spirit—makes us more and more like him as we are changed into his glorious image.”

Psalm 27:4 — We need to give God our attention, gaze upon Him in contemplation, delight, prayer and worship.

Ephesians 3 describes us being rooted in the love of God; it’s height, depth, width and length.

  1. Height - see life from a different perspective.

  2. Depth - anchored in the stabilizing love of God.

  3. Width - broad enough that the entire world is impacted by the love of God.

  4. Length - our past and our future are redeemed by the love of God.

Spiritual Identity > Natural Identity

8 Signs of Living Our Spiritual Identity:

  1. Compassion - feeling what others feel helping them discover how their identity can help relieve their suffering.

  2. Connection - feeling whole - security that stems from connection to identity, purpose and community.

  3. Clarity - to see as God sees without distortion of pain or assumption.

  4. Creativity - the unseen opportunities and ideas are now seen in the light of a liberated heart and clean mind.

  5. Calmness - a peace that transcends understanding; an anchoring.

  6. Curiosity - the healthy alternative to judgment that leads to innovation and learning.

  7. Confidence - remaining calm and clear in the face of uncertainty; hopeful.

  8. Courage - to be a voice and action for the vulnerable and the willingness to recognize the damage we do / have done and clean it up.

Song of Solomon 3:2, “I will seek the one I love.”


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